While I enjoy writing this blog, I feel increasingly difficult to allocate the time and efforts needed to maintain the current pace. This is mostly due to my work demand, which will put a lot pressure on me throughout this year.
I have thought about lighten up the blog a little bit for weeks now, but have not done so because I feel there are many folks reading this. However, now I think more about this, I really don't know if/how much my blog benefit the readers. After all, I have only had less of 10 folks in last several months who have posted comments here, which represents not even 5% of the regular readership. In other words, I am really not sure if it is worth the efforts and time to keep it up if the regular readership is less than 500/day, and discussion participants are less than 5% of the readership.
I feel lucky to get to know folks like Razor and PCAGUY in the blog, whose regular comments/discussions benefit me a lot in both thinking and trading. They are really what I have got out of my efforts so far. One thing I am considering about for the future direction is maybe transforming this blog into some kind of forum where folks like them can post their comments and trades in real time. I myself feel that such format will help me a great deal, however, I am not sure if majority of the current readers will feel the same.
Before I make any decision on this subject, I would like to first hear your views. If you value and care about this blog, please take a minute to complete this very short survey. Obviously, a low response rate on the survey indicates most of the readers don't care much about this blog or whatever I want to do with it.
Thanks a lot!
Click Here to take survey
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Thoughts on the direction of this blog
Posted by
6/07/2008 11:04:00 AM
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I enjoy the technical analysis that wabbit and razor share. I do not have those skills. I would like to continue to see their thinking.
My thought is that if there are 500 regular readers of this site then we are all in the same boat. The Jersey Boys control the price and momentum. Us little guys are at a disadvantage. I have noticed some repeatable patterns with certain stocks and have attempted to capitalize on them. I have posted many of my trades in real time so that others can benefit from seeing my views and then decide for themselves.
If a handful of traders/investors share their actionable trades and insights we all can benefit. The viewers of this little blog are not going to crowd a trade. We may lose a dime or two on the first trades we each post but will quickly gain it back by trading on our fellow posters best ideas that we individually were not aware of.
In the 1980's I lead a division of lumber brokers to greater success in one of the nations best trading houses. I made sure each trader shared all of his Purchase Inquiries and Sell Oferrings in written form and distributed them to my team. Prior a trader might pigeonhole his Best Buy Offering on an item and try to sell it himself. And the traders also might pigeonhole their best Purchase Inquiry on an item and buy it himself (Back-To-Back). What I did was make each trader write up each of his offerings and his purchase inquiries so that all of us could match up the best buys and sells for maximum profit.
The result was that we became more efficient as a division and as individuals.
The result was that we all made a lot more money by sharing our best trades within our group than as individuals.
If only ten traders start posting their action trades and anticipated trades in real time we all will become better traders.
Do you want to do better ? I sure do. This little blog can make a difference if each of us take the time to post our action trades and ideas.
Please Post Your Trades.
Thanks Fellas,
The survey link is broken.
thanks for the very intriguing idea, I am chewing on it!
Thanks for pointing out. the survey link is fixed.
Still working on the weekend notes/calls, will post later today.
Do I enjoy this place? Its Sunday and I'm here! Wabbit do whatever you need to do in life that satisfies your soul. I appreciate your efforts here, trading parameters and input along with PCA, this is a very nuetral environment to discuss plays, unlike the yahoo boards which are singular, and shared by shorts and longs on one stock....my ideal scenario would be a trading group of 5-10 people, I would love for someone to tell me why I should not make a trade, structure options or predicting the chart ect. There is a trading voice in my head, talking with others verifies what I'm thinking or not.
At the end of the day, do what is important and productive for your life, life is really short, and at the end of the game I need to know I made good decisions and had fun...anyone buying aapl puts tomorrow? :o
Keep it up silly wabbit.
very much appreciate your advice, which is really "zen". your "trading group" idea is close to what pcaguy was saying, and I really like that. will give that more thoughts and discuss with you guys more down the road.
I will figure out something and do the silliest :P
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