Monday, March 03, 2008

Tipping point? Vote NOW!

Do you think that today's last hour rally, like the one on Feb. 22, marked another short-term bottom, and the major indices are on the way to test MA50 again? Or do you think it is too late and too little this time, and a test of Jan. bottom is in the cards? If you ask me, well, the 60 min charts favor the first scenario, but the daily charts favor the second scenario.
A tricky situation? Cast your vote on the left side of this pane.


  1. how about weekly? I am kinda with the 2nd scenario. :)

  2. can you believe I made 3,3,6,3 pts flipping X long this week? I'm stoked but man this market is wacked...

  3. razor:
    that is incredible, especially considering you went short on it before last weekend! I flipped MON from the short side a couple of times, cannot really brag about it given your stat! good job!

  4. I was never short x, go check my post, with the market down 340, x down 8, I bought in blind with 10 minutes left and turned the pc off...on sat I found I was up 1.5 pts, shorts must of covered for the we...
